Most Advanced Microbial Consortia

NPK Mobilizing Bacteria

OneAPT, a technology that follows the natural ecosystem to improve the soil condition, increase yield, and reduce the use of pesticides naturally, Organically, efficiently and effectively. There are millions of bacteria in the soil that helps to break down the nutrients in order for the plants and trees to absorb in order to grow, flourish and fruiting. OneAPT is one such product that is research in great length and designed to be the most advanced microbial consortia that consists the NPK mobilizing bacteria, together with mycelium, to help today’s farmer and the agriculture industry to achieve better yield and increase their profitability. OneAPT’s microbial consortia are carefully chosen and lab cultured through our patented process  where only the best and advance microbial organism are being used and produced.

OneAPT: Going Back to Nature

Plants and Trees are not able to freely absorb nutrients even when the nutrients are directly added to the soil. They need the micro-organism to convert the nutrients to active nutrients that are useable by the plants. Hence, the fertility of the soil highly depends on the quantities and qualities of these micro-organism available in such soils and adding the best and strongest of these micro-organism will greatly make the soil fertile which will in turn produce better yield and promote greater general health to the plants.

Other Specifications of Our Product

OneAPT is developed in our own lab using our patented technology where the organisms are selected from thousand of stain to survive acidic pH or other adverse conditions. OneAPT also enhances the utilization of Adenosine-tri-phosphate inside the plant system which are crucial for the growth and general well-being of the plants.

OneAPT Contains the Following:

1. Nitrogen fixing bacteria

Needed to maintain the nitrogen cycle in the soil and converting the inert nitrogen into usable nutrients for the plants to absorb easily. Availability of these bacteria eliminates the need of external in-organic nitrogen supplement such as urea.

2. Probiotics

Probiotics soil conditioners mainly organic acids and extracellular enzymes which will moderate the soil and make it ideal for plants to grow and fruiting.

3. Phosphate and Potassium solubising bacteria

Plant system highly depends on the supply of Phosphate. In most area, where Phosphate are available, they are not acceptable or soluble form of the plant system. These bacterias are needed to converts these inert phosphate into palatable form for the plants.

4. Mycellium Angle

Bacteria needed for the healthy growth of plant roots to improve the plant’s community connectivity which will results in improve general well-being of the plants and substantial yield increments.

Advantages of OneAPT

  • OneAPT is 100% bio-organic based on living organisms.
  • OneAPT enhances natural cycle and does not attract pests.
  • OneAPT greatly reduces the requirement of chemical fertilizers.
  • OneAPT enhances soil health and reduces pest and disease.
  • OneAPT greatly reduces the requirement of pesticides.
  • OneAPT is extremely beneficial to Eco System.
  • OneAPT quickly recovers damage soil system.
  • OneAPT improves the community and environment of the plants root system.