An Ultra-Fast Decomposer

Essential Plant Nutrient Enhancer

OneGEST, the first ever extremely efficient DECOMPOSER AND PLANT NUTRIENT ENHANCER for making value added compost from household, agricultural, and landfill mining materials. It is an ULTRA FAST DECOMPOSER that will enhance the rate of decomposition by 2-3 times and more than 30% increase in the quantity of compost per unit time and land area used in the land fill mining sites or through any decomposing system.

We offer these ultra-efficient decomposer microbial cultures which will also increase essential plant nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, potash and zinc in the value-added compost. This will improve soil health and crop growth, productivity and quality. OneGEST is best for ORGANIC FARMING and the value-added compost will reduce chemical fertilizer requirements by 15-25% for crops in general.

Dose of Application

OneGEST: 2Kg  Per Ton Of Raw Biowaste Material

Process of Application

Take 2 kg of OneGEST powder and then mix the material with 1000 kg of biowaste material thoroughly. The mixing should be done uniformly with biowaste materials to be decomposed. You can keep the windrow exposed and turn after a week. The normal decomposition will be complete within 15 to 20 days. The ready compost should be air dried and powdered for marketing.

Advantages of OneGEST

There are a number of benefits of OneGEST for making value added compost are listed below:

  • By composting wasted food and other organics, methane emissions are significantly reduced. Organic waste in landfills generates, methane, a potent greenhouse gas.
  • Value added Compost reduces and, in some cases, eliminates the need for chemical fertilizers up to 15 to 30% of present consumption.
  • Value added Compost promotes higher yields of agricultural crops.
  • Value added Compost can help aid reforestation, wetlands restoration, and habitat revitalization efforts by improving contaminated, compacted, and marginal soils.
  • Value added Compost can be used to remediate soils contaminated by hazardous waste in a cost-effective manner.
  • Value added Compost can provide cost savings over conventional soil, water and air pollution remediation technologies, where applicable.
  • Value added Compost enhances water retention in soils.
  • Value added Compost provides Carbon Sequestration.