Nitrogen Biofertilizer

Legume Crop Cultivation

One Biosys Sdn Bhd is glad to introduce OneRHIZO both in liquid and powder form which have 100 to 110 times (x1010 to x1011) more Rhizobium than normal growth which can fix 30-45% more nitrogen than many other products available in the market and is also more efficient and cost effective. In very low dose it can cover major area of land or more plants or seeds. This product is developed on our patented technology where we get 20 times more bacterial colonies after 72 hours of inoculation just using a nano material in this product which is non-hazardous to the environment.

About the Bacteria

Rhizobium species are gram-negative, soil bacteria which can fix nitrogen in presence of symbiotic association with the roots of legume plants and convert atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia with the help of nitrogenase enzyme and this association would also leave residual soil nitrogen for the succeeding crop.

Use in Agriculture

This bacterium is particularly used as nitrogen bio-fertilizer for legume crop cultivation.

Our Product

We are glad to introduce OneRHIZO both in liquid and powder form which have 100 to 110 times (x1010 to x1011) more Rhizobium than normal growth which can fix 30-45% more nitrogen than many other products available in the market and are also more efficienct and cost effective. In very low dose it can cover major area of land or more plants or seeds.

Specifications of Our Product

This product is developed on our patented technology where we get 20 times more bacterial colonies after 72 hours of inoculation just using a nano material in this product which is non-hazardous to the environment. This rapid bacterial growth will also help farmers to control pathogenic fungal and other bacterial diseases to plants.

Application Doses and Methodology

We have both liquid and powder can be used as seed priming in regulated doses of application determined for specific leguminous plant species.


Seed treatment Procedure: 2 kg OneRHIZO for seeds required per hectare.


For Seed Treatment: Mix required quantity of OneRHIZO with small amount of water to make it slurry like mixture. Then add washed seeds required for 1 hectare of land in it and mix nicely so that there should be a thin coat over the seeds and then dry the seeds under shade before sowing.


Keep it out of reach of children and do not swallow it. Always rinse hands with soap after using it. Better to use gloves.

Do not mix OneRHIZO with any chemical pesticides. For best results, do not use OneRHIZO and chemical fertilizers on the same day. Keep packets of OneRHIZO in a cool place away from sunlight.

Once the packet is opened, use the whole amount of OneRHIZO in the same day and use it before expiry date.